A Fascinating Encounter

Who would think that a seven-year-old girl would be fascinated upon seeing a mere screen? Even seven-month-olds today are on screen from morning to sundown. But I guess, we grew differently. Using upgraded and latest versions of different technologies is a trend now or rather, a necessity.

I was in 2nd grade when I first encountered a computer. It was a computer owned by a friend whose family was running a computer shop business down our street. She would maneuver the computer—like a pro—and I was there, looking, amazed at how such a thing really works.

She would sometimes invite us to come over to watch some movies or play games. Pisonet was also a thing, where people could avail services by inserting coins in the machine. I remember how we would turn on a PC just to play Plants vs. Zombies or Counter-Strike with only 2 pesos at hand.

Of course, grade school wouldn’t be complete without submitting colorful, printed outputs. I would use Microsoft Word to edit my projects and it usually took a lot of time to finish one page! Man, I was a complete novice and just knew its basics.  

To own a computer is a dream and that dream happened when I was in 7th grade. I felt elated I couldn’t get enough of it. I would surf the net, scroll down my Facebook feed, and watch YouTube videos or movies all day. It may be just a normal thing for kids nowadays, but it was a big deal to me back then.

14 years later, I am still that seven-year-old girl who gets fascinated even being used to seeing a computer, however, I am now more knowledgeable in handling it and eager to learn more about it. 


Image Resources:

Computer Room Booking (2021). https://dunshaughlincc.ie/images/Images/2017-2018/computer.jpg

Hakase (n.d.). https://nichijou.fandom.com/wiki/Hakase
